Holidays are great! Especially when everyone is off work. We were so blessed that everyone was able to spend this time together. Thanksgiving morning started out with watching the Packers play the Lions.. and WIN! Woooohoooo! We were able to watch most of the game on Rich's big-screen TV at my mom's house. Immediately following the game, we hooked up the PS2 to the big screen and we (mostly Dave and Nathan) played Guitar Hero until more people started showing up. My mom had some family friends there from California, Julio and Diana, who are like family to us. They brought the "turdunkin". Their daughter, Laura, goes to college an hour north of us so it works out to have everyone together. Rich and Julia were there as well as Marie and her children. Grandma Voyla and Grandpa Hal were also there. Everyone pitched in with the food. We were actually able to all fit in the dining room, which I didn't even know was possible.
[ photo removed to avoid copyright infringement ]

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